+++ Symposium on renewable energies and energy storage in Stralsund attracts guest from Thailand to Grapzow +++
In the course of this year’s energy symposium at the technical college Stralsund, a group of more than twenty guests found its way to the energy storage facility in Grapzow. Grapzow was chosen for the “technology tour” to show the state of the newest developments in the fields of energy storage and hydrogen technology in Germany to the guest. Part of the group were, among others, guests from Thailand. The guests were enthusiastic about the results of the work so far and highly interested in the further development. The guests expressed their view, that the countries which are economically capable to do so, should develop technologies to deal with climate change all over the world. WIND-projekt supports the colleges in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by giving young, prospective engineers an insight in the practical use of newest technologies and is delighted by the interested audience.